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In the “Actions” pane, in the “Malware” group, select the type of programs the detection of which you want to enable/disable. In the drop-down menu, select the necessary action upon detection — Move, Rename, Report, Delete, Ignore. Save the changes made by pressing the OK button. Deselect the “Prompt on action” check box to enable the detection without asking for a user's prompt on action. These changes act until the scanner is open. To save new settings, select "Settings|"Save setting" in the main scanner menu.
By default, for Adware and Dialers, the “Report” action is set, for other programs — the “Ignore” action is set.
Right click the mouse button over the SpIDer Guard's icon in the system tray (resembling of a spider). In the opened contextual menu, select the “Settings” item. In the “Actions” pane, in the “Malware” group, select the type of programs the detection of which you want to enable/disable. In the drop-down menu, select the necessary action upon detection — Move, Rename, Report, Delete, Ignore. Save the changes made by pressing the OK button. By default, for Adware and Dialers, the “Report” action is set, for other programs — the “Ignore” action is set.
Right click the mouse button over the SpIDer Guard's icon in the system tray (resembling of a spider). In the opened contextual menu, select the “Settings” item. In the “Actions” pane, in the “Malware” group, select the type of programs the detection of which you want to enable/disable. In the "Primary action" field on the right, select the necessary action upon detection of such programs. Save the changes made by pressing the OK button.
By default, for Adware and Dialers, the “Report” action is set, for other programs — the “Ignore” action is set.
Right click the mouse button over the SpIDer Mail's icon in the system tray (resembling of a spider against the white envelope). In the opened contextual menu, select the “Settings” item. In the “Scan” pane, in the "Check for" group, select the type of programs the detection of which you want to enable/disable.
To disable detection, uncheck the box. To enable detection, check the box. Save the changes made by pressing the OK button.
By default, the detection of Adware and Dialers is enabled.
Enabling/disabling of actions with unsolicited programs is made in the “Actions” pane of the “Settings” pane. Select the type of programs the detection of which you want to enable/disable. In the drop-down menu, select the necessary action upon detection — Report, Delete, Quarantine, Rename, Ignore. Save the changes made by pressing the OK button.
By default, for all types of detected programs, the “Report” action is enabled.
Command line parameters (keys), used for actions with unsolicited software
Actions for Adware
-adw [d|m|r|i]
d — delete, m — move, r — rename or ' i ' — ignore
Actions for Dialers
-dls [d|m|r|i]
d — delete, m — move, r — rename or ' i ' — ignore
Actions for Jokes
-jok [d|m|r|i]
d — delete, m — move, r — rename or ' i ' — ignore
Actions for Hacktools
-hck [d|m|r|i]
d — delete, m — move, r — rename or ' i ' — ignore
Actions for Riskware
-rsk [d|m|r|i]
d — delete, m — move, r — rename or ' i ' — ignore
Command line parameters (keys), used for actions with unsolicited software
Actions for Adware
/ADW [D|M|R|I]
D — delete, M — move, R — rename, I — ignore
Actions for Dialers
/DLS [D|M|R|I]
D — delete, M — move, R — rename, I — ignore
Actions for Jokes
/JOK [D|M|R|I]
D — delete, M — move, R — rename, I — ignore
Actions for Hacktools
/HCK [D|M|R|I]
D — delete, M — move, R — rename, I — ignore
Actions for Riskware
/RSK [D|M|R|I]
D — delete, M — move, R — rename, I — ignore
General actions with unsolicited programs
/MW [D|M|RI]
D — delete, M — move, R — rename, I — ignore
Select the "Scan settings" menu (Scanning standard settings). Select the type of programs the detection of which you want to enable/disable. Select the necessary reaction. Such setting of standard scanning parameters can be made either from "Setup" menu for processes run manually, or from the "On access" menu for "on-the-fly" scanning processes.